Bipolar Disorder

Holistic Psychiatry, Ketamine Treatments and TMS in Golden and Greenwood Village, CO

"I could walk through fire if it meant making my dreams come true. That is the gift…bipolar gave me. It blessed me with a lofty imagination, an iron will, and an unbreakable belief in the impossible." –AJ Mendez
Owl & Eagle Health and Wellness provides treatment for Bipolar Disorder in Colorado

Bipolar disorder is a serious psychiatric disorder that causes rapid and dramatic shifts in mood, energy level, thinking, speech, behavior, appetite, and sleep. People with bipolar disorder have episodes of mania or hypomania, where mood, energy, and activity level become elevated, as well as episodes of depression, where mood and energy level are low. During both depressed and elevated episodes, symptoms make it more difficult to engage in normal activities.  

Bipolar can occur at any age, and affects about 4-6% of adults and 3% of adolescents and children. It results in severe functional impairment in about 80-85% of affected people, and moderate impairment in the rest. Bipolar disorder causes a high risk for academic problems, unemployment, relationship problems, being the victim or perpetrator of crime or violence, financial problems, legal problems, incarceration, substance abuse, relationship problems, and suicide. Although bipolar disorder is a chronic disorder, symptoms can be managed effectively with psychiatric treatment.

At Owl & Eagle Health and Wellness in Golden and Greenwood Village, Colorado, our team of board-certified psychiatric nurse practitioners and psychotherapists offer excellence in care for bipolar disorder. Our holistic approach utilizes medication, psychotherapy, Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS), ketamine assisted therapy, nutritional interventions, stress management, sleep hygiene, exercise, vitamins, supplements, and other integrative interventions that will not only treat your bipolar disorder effectively, but will help you optimize your mental and physical health and improve your quality of life. 

If you are interested in holistic treatment for bipolar disorder at Owl & Eagle Health and Wellness in Golden or Greenwood Village, Colorado, Contact Us with questions or Book Now to schedule an in-person or telehealth appointment today.


Bipolar Disorder Q &A

What causes Bipolar disorder?

Three main factors contribute to the development of Bipolar disorder:

1) Genetics. The heritability of bipolar disorder is approximately 77%. If someone in your family has bipolar disorder, you are much more likely to develop bipolar disorder yourself. 

2) Trauma and psychological stressors. Adverse experiences such as poverty, violence, abuse, neglect, discrimination, and loss of important relationships increase risk for bipolar disorder.

3) Other health problems. Chronic neurological or autoimmune illness, hormone imbalances, substance abuse, and certain medications are associated with increased risk for bipolar disorder.

What are the symptoms of bipolar disorder?

Bipolar disorder causes episodes of depression that typically last weeks to months, as well as episodes of mania or hypomania typically lasting days to weeks. During depressed episodes, people with bipolar disorder often feel sluggish, low energy, sad, apathetic, and unmotivated, and may sleep or eat more than usual. During hypomanic and manic episodes, their energy level may be elevated, and they may feel extra cheerful and happy, or they may feel irritable and agitated. Sometimes they feel grandiose, like they could be or do anything if they tried. They might talk and think faster than usual, and they may make a lot of new plans, start a lot of new projects, or get a lot more done than usual. They may find that they can get much less sleep than usual without feeling tired. They may have increased interest in sex, or increased risky or thrill-seeking behavior, such as overspending, reckless driving, promiscuity, or use of drugs or alcohol. Sometimes people with bipolar disorder have both depressed and manic symptoms at the same time, and some experience psychotic symptoms like hallucinations, delusions, or paranoia. Suicidal ideation or self-harm behavior can occur in both depressed and manic episodes.

How is Bipolar disorder treated?

Subtypes of bipolar disorder include Bipolar I, Bipolar II, Bipolar Unspecified, and Cyclothymia. These subtypes present with different symptoms and severity, and require individualized treatment. The board certified psychiatric nurse practitioners and psychotherapists at Owl & Eagle Health and Wellness bring knowledge, experience, and understanding to treatment of all types of Bipolar disorder.

At Owl & Eagle Health and Wellness, our team uses a holistic approach combining advanced medical treatments, psychotherapy, and integrative treatments to maximize treatment efficacy. Nutritional modifications, sleep hygiene, vitamins, and supplements can be helpful, but most people with bipolar disorder will need to take medications on an ongoing basis to control their symptoms. Medications used to treat bipolar disorder include antidepressants, mood stabilizers, and antipsychotics. Sleep medications and anxiolytics are also sometimes included. Genetic testing can help tailor your treatment plan for the best possible efficacy and tolerability. Ketamine Assisted Therapy and TMS can also be highly effective treatments for depressive episodes in bipolar disorder. With our personalized holistic treatment, symptoms of bipolar disorder can be effectively managed, greatly improving mental health, well-being, and quality of life.  

If you would like to learn more about holistic treatment for bipolar disorder at Owl & Eagle Health and Wellness in Golden or Greenwood Village, Colorado, Contact Us with questions or Book Now to schedule an in-person or telehealth appointment today.

